The damaging roads..
Posted by:Amanda
We are still waiting for movements. The pictures are better than the actual condition..
Posted by:Amanda
Okay, mari bincang satu persatu...I love the landscape thingy, so lets start with it! hehe..
I found this link, and seems interesting..
kalau buat landscape cantik2 sana kampung amatlah siok kn...Imagine klu urg masuk d kampung nanti durg rasa siok..someone must start this...AJK keceriaan kampung la i think! Start from now...So time christmas nanti semua ceria sdh!heheh..
2. Usulkan ini perkara time meeting..
3. Peruntukan? Mesti ada nih...SO peruntukan kena jaga betul2..jgn 100 masuk, pakai utk tujuan asal 40% ja, yg lain2, mengalir tpt lain..(ngeh..ngeh..ngeh...ckp siap2 la...Sikap yg selalu terjadi..Yg paling membencikan!)
4. Belia? Ada lagi persatuan belia di kampung? Bawa Belia join this program..
Maybe, its the time JKK kampung start to think more creative, dont just ikut macam selalu..Just imagine kalau yg belia (or yg tida belia pn ada kali..ha ha ha ) yg selalu logop2 d bus stop membantu dlm keceriaan kampung.Harusla cantik tu kampung kn!
What is actually stopping JKK bertindak dlm keceriian kampung from the begining? List it down here, we can help to think, suggest or maybe do some research to solve any issue..
Please invite orang2 yang perlu untuk join this discussion, so maybe this can at least open their mind?have some idea or...urm..anything..:D